Firmware update formats
With more and more firmware in the world it’s obvious that we’ll
spend more and more time updating firmware. In the last couple of
months I’ve been bitten twice by companies
(3com and HP) who
distribute firmware as .exe
In neither of these cases was the .exe
an application that actually
updated the firmware - both are simply self-extracting compressed
files that contain the firmware as a .bin
(or something). The
actual update process takes place over the web.
I don’t have any machines that execute .exe
files in the normal run
of things, so I can’t extract the new firmware. In the 3com case I
was lucky - a friend suggested that
the unix unzip
command can often extract the contents of Winzip
self-extracting files and it proved to be the case.
HP use something built around “pklite” and unzip doesn’t understand that. So, to update the ILO firmware on a DL360 running Linux, I’m forced to find a machine that can run Windows (or MS-DOS, I suppose…).
Bleugh. Just give us the uncompressed .bin
files - how much
bandwidth are you really saving by sending out these stupid
self-extracting compressed things?